Tessacr Crush is on Facebook Join Facebook to connect with Tessacr Crush and others you may know Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected Crush Lyrics – Tessa Violet Singer Tessa Violet Title Crush Uh, alright 噢 对了 o duile I can't focus on what needs to get done 我做正事心不在焉的 wo zuo zhengshi xinbuzaiyan de I'm on notice hoping that you don't run 我的注意力都在你身上 希望你不要避开 wo de zhuyi li dou zai ni shenshang xiwang ni buyao bi kai You think I'm tepid but I'mCrash的歌词翻译—— 你有它,你得到它 把你的手,把你的手,把你的手 你有它,你得到它 击退婴儿对我来说,在你的车快 我在这里等着,撞上我真的很难 击退婴儿对我来说,在你的车快 我在这里等着,撞上我真的很难 本人游荡轮的房间,我把事情做好 本人图片

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